Saturday, May 11, 2013

8 Minute Abs by Vinyasa Yoga

Good Morning! 

This morning instead of doing my entire Insanity workout, I decided to mix things up. I did a dumbbell workout -- focusing on abs, arms and legs. 

If your looking for a quick workout to avoid the guilt during the day here is another one I recommend from

Works your core mainly and helps you balance. Involves yoga moves, so not only will you feel like you worked by the end but also calmer (: 

Time: 8 minutes!

Grab and mat or thick towel and get going! 

Boat Pulses
Come to sit. Lift your knees and feet up into Boat Pose. Interlace your fingers and point the arms and index fingers forward (pictured below). Balanced on your seat, inhale, lengthen legs away. Exhale, draw knees closer. Sit strongly into the floor and keep the spine long. Repeat 5x.
Rock the Boat
Inhale in Boat Pose, arms forward, palms face your legs. Inhale, lift your arms overhead. Exhale, sweep fists to your outer hips and roll down your back onto the floor. Keep shoulders and head lifted. Inhale, reach overhead (pictured below). Exhale, rock your body back up into Boat! Use hands on legs if needed. Repeat 5x.
One Hip Twist
Return to Boat Pose. Plant the fingertips behind you, fingers facing the hips. Inhale, lengthen legs and roll onto the right hip only, left hip lifts. Exhale, twist the chest, shoulders and head over the lifted left hip (pictured below). Inhale to center, repeat to other side. Repeat Twists 3-5x each side.
Core Scissor Twists 
Come onto the back. Lift your head and shoulders and place fingertips lightly behind the head. Inhale, elbows and feet lift into the sky. Exhale, lower legs slightly, pull right elbow to left knee. Inhale to center, repeat with left elbow to right knee. Repeat 3-5x each side.
Hands and Knees Core Plank 
Come to hands and knees. Inhale, left leg lifts, foot flexed, hips center to floor. Exhale, round the left knee to nose (pictured below). Try lifting the right knee and hip to the sky on exhales for more results. Do 3-5 rounds. Come to center, repeat on left side 3-5x.


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