Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mason Jar Salads

I have always wanted to make these! I love my salad and this is a fun & new way to enjoy them! They are quick and a great salad for any occasion! 

What you need:

- Mason Jar/S

- lettuce
- spinach leaves
- any desired veggies

1. Clean your mason jars and make sure they are 100% dry before use! 

2. Pour in your choice of dressing 
    {We used a variety of dressings!}

3. Add your hardiest vegetable. This way your dressing doesn't soak up too much! 
{for example: peppers, broccoli, carrots}

4. Continue to layer your veggies and salad leaves
{tomatoes, olives, cucumber, horse radish etc...} 

5. When your jar has all the layers, seal tight and place in fridge.

6. When your ready to eat, shake & mix your salad from the bottom up
{add nuts for more flavour!}

Pour onto plate or eat straight from jar! 


Happy Birthday 'Merica!

Happy Fourth of JULY! Today is the day we celebrate America's independence! While we remember america's history it is also a great excuse for a SUMMER BBQ! 

Seeing as I am in the states with family we have decided to enjoy it to the fullest! To start the morning off we prepped some yummy food! 

First off: Whipped Flag Cake 

Here is what you need:

For the base: 
- 1 stick of butter
- cookie or graham cracker crumbs (in Spain I would use "galletas Maria") 
*this a good base for almost any cake*

- whipped cream (I use sugar free) 
- 12 strawberries
- 2 bananas
- handful of blueberries 
*dont want to make a flag? Feel free to use any fruit or topping!*


1. Melt the butter and cover base of pan with crumbs

2. Mix the melted butter with crumbs in pan and flatten ( use fork or parchment paper)

3. Once the base is done, cover with whipped cream

4. Begin layering your fruit

Done! Place into fridge for base to harden! 

Get the fireworks ready & enjoy!!